As I was about to start my talk, I
noticed there were a several distraught looking participants in the
room. When I asked them if they had a question, they remarked, “Looks
like there are so many foods that we should not be eating... what can
we eat?”
Well, I can understand how they feel.
The alarming fact is that – as reported by the US Senate in 1936 –
“foods now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer
contain enough of certain minerals are starving us - no matter how
much we eat. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to
supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect
health...” No wonder so many people are getting sick with
preventable chronic conditions like heart diseases, cancers,
diabetes, the list is endless.
So whether we like it or not, we do
have to resort to taking supplements if we want to live a long,
healthy life. The question is: What supplements should we take? There
are simply too many vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients
that we need and lack.
One “shortcut” which I would
recommend is to take a superfood. What is a superfood? Superfoods can
be defined as nutrient-dense whole food with high phytochemical
content that gives health benefits, with few negative properties,
such as being high in saturated fats or contaminants.
One such superfood I discovered
recently was a wild blue green algae (or Aphanizemenon flos-aqua
or AFA) from Klamath Lake, Oregon. It is distinctly different from
other algaes as it is one of the few species of algae which grows
wild in its own natural habitat, one of the world's richest nutrient
traps. It is completely free of artificial or synthetic influences
and has been proven to be superior in its rate of assimilability,
digestibility and absorption.
AFA has high concentrations of
vitamins, minerals, proteins/amino acids and a whole range of other
essential nutrients. Compared to other algaes like spirulina or
chlorophyll, AFA contains the most perfect balance of vitamins, definitely superior to any multivitamin supplement pills, and can be considered your best multivitamin!
In addition, AFA has a broader spectrum
of minerals that any other green algae. To date, over 40 macro- and
microminerals – bound into a colloidal enzyme-bound matrix - have
been identified in AFA. Choline, an important ingredient for the
brain's phospholipids, cannot be found in many blue-greens but is in
AFA, making it a great elixir for the brain. (See Table 1: Mineral
Content of AFA Algae.)
Wild blue-green AFA is also an
exceptionally high source of protein which is nearly identical in
composition to that of the human body's. The protein in AFA is a
glycoprotein, derived from all eight essential amino acids, as
compared to animal and plant protein which is of a type called
lipoprotein. The body needs to convert lipoproteins into
glycoproteins before they can be used. Hence, eating AFA is more
biochemically efficient as its glycoproteins have 85 per cent
AFA also has thousands of live active
enzymes, so critical for good health. Enzymes are the body's labor
force – they are necessary for metabolism, digestion,
detoxification, muscle movement, brain function stimulation, immune
system function... just about every process that keeps us alive! (See
Table 2 for list of enzymes in AFA.)
AFA is also rich in botanical pigments
like chlorophyll, a powerful oxygenator; and Phycocyanins, which have
been shown to inhibit cancer growth. It is also one of the highest
known natural source of beta-carotene, working in synergy with the
chlorophyll to convert the carotene into vitamin A.
AFA also contains approximately four
per cent RNA/DNA, which is needed by the body to make new cells and
for tissue growth.
The most exciting discovery so far on
the benefits of AFA is that it is to date the only natural compound
which can stimulate stem cell release and migration. There has been
much excitement worldwide on the amazing healing power of our body's
adult stem cells as more and more medical practitioners recognise
this emerging field of regenerative medicine. In 2012, two scientists
were awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine for their work in this
A double-blinded placebo-controlled
cross-over study showed that consumption of StemEnhance® AFA
resulted in a small but significant increase in the number of
circulating CD34+ stem cells, peaking at one hour after consumption.
So, indeed, AFA has deservedly won the
title of Superfood!
If you are interested to order
StemEnhance® AFA, please write to
or go to: Back2Youth Supplements.
Have a healthy, happy life!
Jessica See