Dear Friends
I am so excited... today, my dream of launching a website to help people discover - for themselves - how healthy meals can be great tasting as well is finally realised. I have started a new company with my good friend Alicia called Healthylicious Meals and together, we are going to cook up a storm!
Our mission is to introduce all the wonderful foods that Nature has provided us, and make them exciting again! As Man became more "sophisticated", our food became more artificial. We wanted the best taste, the fastest way. We were seduced by attractive commercials touting "good" food. As a result, our bodies grew weaker and new diseases that our great grandparents never heard of, descended upon us.
It's time for a Healthylicious revolution! Let's rediscover the wonderful gifts from Mother Nature - in beautiful colours and smells and tastes to excite all our senses.
Join the revolution NOW - it all starts with YOU. Your kids and their kids will follow the example you set. Let this be your mantra - "I am what I eat, so I want to eat what's best for my body."
Please go to my Healthylicions Meals website and register for the monthly ezine - we will send you a free Healthylicious recipe every month!
Healthy for Life
Jessica See
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