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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Are Your Cells Getting What They Need?

Two years before I turned 50 in 2011, I started developing a keen interest in health. As I often tell my audience at the many health talks I do today, it was because I wanted to live a healthy, happy life until 120! So with seven decades (plus and minus) to go, I had to learn all I could about how to stay healthy.

It has been a wonderful journey, and I am happy to report, so far, so good. My wonderful little body composition scale tells me my body age is 34, which is great! My goal is to get it back down to 28.

Anyway, where am I going with this? Well, what I have focused on for the past few years have been to keep my cells healthy. 

As a clinical nutritionist, I understand the importance of providing good quality nutrients to our cells so they can function well. The two basic functions are: Energy production and protection of the DNA. In order to support energy production and keep the level of offshoot free radicals at a minimum, our cells need a full spectrum of vitamins, especially the B-vitamins. Our cells also need healthy fats e.g. omega-3 fatty acids and a good source of proteins to support healthy cell membranes. Plus, a whole arsenal of antioxidants to neutralize the free radlicals, like the vitamin E family compounds found in the germ of whole grains, vitamin C found in citrus foods, and the carotenoids from vegetables to protect against free radical damage to your DNA, which can cause mutations. 

Without this range of nutrients and phytonutrients, the membranes in our cells can become brittle, develop holes (become leaky), thus unable to protect our cell’s DNA and energy producing machinery (the mitochondria inside the cells). Once unprotected, the DNA can develop mutations which can cause the cell to be unable to function, or even to become malignant (cancerous). Damage to our mitochondria can decrease energy production and lead to an increase in generation of free radicals, causing more damage and destroying your cell’s ability to function entirely. 

So, the question is: Are we providing enough nutrients to our cells? We know we have to take at least 5 to 7 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day. The problem is, most of us are not doing that. So, the solution for most of us is to turn to supplements to “supplement” our dietary intake, which brings us to the next question: which supplements should we buy?

Well, as I always tell my clients, to our cells, a vitamin is a vitamin; a mineral is a mineral. What the most important factor is, are the vitamins and minerals you are taking, able to get to your cells where they are needed? In other words, the key thing to consider in choosing a supplement is the bioavailability or absorption - how well the nutrients we are supplementing on can reach the targeted location. In short, it’s not about what we eat, but how much of it is absorbed by our cells.
Well, recently, I tried a new range of products, and was rather blown away by the experience. At an early morning meeting, Marcus Sandstrom, the Executive Vice President for Asia Pacific for PM-International, a 20-year old German company, made me a glass of one of their key products Activize Oxyplus. In less than five minutes after I had finished the ice-cold drink, I felt a flush going through my whole body, and a tingling sensation around the back of my neck area. Whoa, what is this, I asked him.

Well, I found out that what makes their range of FitLine® supplements unique is their exclusive Nutrient Transport Concept or NTC®, developed by a team of experts from the fields of nutritional science, biochemistry and nutritional chemistry.

It has been shown that with NTC®, FitLine® products can effectively ensure the absorption of valuable nutrients and vital substances like oxygen up to 10 times higher and faster than with comparable products. The FitLine® products are consumed in liquid form, which ahs been shown to be superior as compared to products in tablet or capsule forms. 

Other reasons for the higher performance of the products are:
·      Revitalization of the intestinal flora as basis for optimal digestion and absorption
·      Less strain on intestine
·      Combination of active ingredients for better effectiveness
·      Effective antioxidants to protect the cell membrane
·      Special composition of nutrients for optimal solubility and absorption
·      Speedy passage time through the stomach for faster and easier transport of vital ingredients e.g. lactobacilli, enzymes)
·      Nano-micellization of the fat soluble substances.

Well, all said, you have to experience it to feel it. Top sportsmen like tennis player Novak Djokovic swear by it. For more information, drop me a note here or to, and I will find a way to help you experience it yourself!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What are Superfoods?

As some of you would know, I was speaking on “Why People Get Sick” at the recent 50Plus event in Expo. The speaker who was on before me was my good friend Clarence Lee; he was sharing with an enthralled audience on “Is there a Best Diet?”

As I was about to start my talk, I noticed there were a several distraught looking participants in the room. When I asked them if they had a question, they remarked, “Looks like there are so many foods that we should not be eating... what can we eat?”

Well, I can understand how they feel. The alarming fact is that – as reported by the US Senate in 1936 – “foods now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us - no matter how much we eat. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health...” No wonder so many people are getting sick with preventable chronic conditions like heart diseases, cancers, diabetes, the list is endless.

So whether we like it or not, we do have to resort to taking supplements if we want to live a long, healthy life. The question is: What supplements should we take? There are simply too many vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients that we need and lack.

One “shortcut” which I would recommend is to take a superfood. What is a superfood? Superfoods can be defined as nutrient-dense whole food with high phytochemical content that gives health benefits, with few negative properties, such as being high in saturated fats or contaminants.

One such superfood I discovered recently was a wild blue green algae (or Aphanizemenon flos-aqua or AFA) from Klamath Lake, Oregon. It is distinctly different from other algaes as it is one of the few species of algae which grows wild in its own natural habitat, one of the world's richest nutrient traps. It is completely free of artificial or synthetic influences and has been proven to be superior in its rate of assimilability, digestibility and absorption.

AFA has high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, proteins/amino acids and a whole range of other essential nutrients. Compared to other algaes like spirulina or chlorophyll, AFA contains the most perfect balance of vitamins, definitely superior to any multivitamin supplement pills, and can be considered your best multivitamin!

In addition, AFA has a broader spectrum of minerals that any other green algae. To date, over 40 macro- and microminerals – bound into a colloidal enzyme-bound matrix - have been identified in AFA. Choline, an important ingredient for the brain's phospholipids, cannot be found in many blue-greens but is in AFA, making it a great elixir for the brain. (See Table 1: Mineral Content of AFA Algae.)

Wild blue-green AFA is also an exceptionally high source of protein which is nearly identical in composition to that of the human body's. The protein in AFA is a glycoprotein, derived from all eight essential amino acids, as compared to animal and plant protein which is of a type called lipoprotein. The body needs to convert lipoproteins into glycoproteins before they can be used. Hence, eating AFA is more biochemically efficient as its glycoproteins have 85 per cent assimilability.

AFA also has thousands of live active enzymes, so critical for good health. Enzymes are the body's labor force – they are necessary for metabolism, digestion, detoxification, muscle movement, brain function stimulation, immune system function... just about every process that keeps us alive! (See Table 2 for list of enzymes in AFA.)

AFA is also rich in botanical pigments like chlorophyll, a powerful oxygenator; and Phycocyanins, which have been shown to inhibit cancer growth. It is also one of the highest known natural source of beta-carotene, working in synergy with the chlorophyll to convert the carotene into vitamin A.

AFA also contains approximately four per cent RNA/DNA, which is needed by the body to make new cells and for tissue growth.

The most exciting discovery so far on the benefits of AFA is that it is to date the only natural compound which can stimulate stem cell release and migration. There has been much excitement worldwide on the amazing healing power of our body's adult stem cells as more and more medical practitioners recognise this emerging field of regenerative medicine. In 2012, two scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine for their work in this area.

A double-blinded placebo-controlled cross-over study showed that consumption of StemEnhance® AFA resulted in a small but significant increase in the number of circulating CD34+ stem cells, peaking at one hour after consumption.

So, indeed, AFA has deservedly won the title of Superfood!

If you are interested to order StemEnhance® AFA, please write to or go to: Back2Youth Supplements.

Have a healthy, happy life!
Jessica See

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why is Sugar So Bad?

  By sugar I mean white refined sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, turbinado sugar, honey (even raw), maple sugar, corn sweetener, dextrose, glucose, fructose, barley malt, rice syrup, liquid cane sugar and others. Don't be fooled by the name organic when it applies to sugar. Sugar is sugar, organic or not.

Refined sugar is of course the worst culprit, It doesn’t contain any fibre, vitamins, minerals, protein, fat or enzymes. Nothing your body needs, just empty calories. When you take refined sugar in your diet, your body ends up borrowing important nutrients - calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium - from your healthy cells, for example from the bones, to metabolize the sugar.

When the body becomes overly acidic, a domino effect starts  - even more minerals are pulled out of the bones to correct the imbalance, leading to brittle bones.

The even more immediate negative effect of taking refined sugar is the fact that it causes a spike in blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are constantly rising and falling sharply when you ingest too much sugar, which the body counters by releasing more insulin from the pancreas to return the blood sugar levels to equilibrium.

What happens is that you get a fast rush of energy from the sugar as it’s processed and released into the bloodstream. This is rapidly followed by a rapid drop in energy as the insulin does its work. You then eat more sugary food or drink to regain your “high” and the process begins again. This puts great strain on your pancreas in the constant creation and release of insulin. Insulin production then becomes erratic; the body is not able to regulate blood sugar levels effectively, leading to the onset of type II diabetes.

Increased insulin levels also decreases the production of growth hormones which in turn depresses our immune system, which of course, leads to a whole lot of other health problems.

Too much sugar also causes the blood to become thick and sticky which inhibits blood flow. The body starts lacking vital nutrients that are needed to eliminate toxic waste, which then leads to cellular death and premature aging.

Sugar plays a role in asthma, joint pain, arthritis, mood swings, depression, nervous disorders,  heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, obesity and tooth decay... in fact, almost every degenerative disease.

This is because the root cause of all these diseases has been found to be inflammation. And on e of the biggest contributors to inflammation in the cells is sugar.

When waste material starts to build up which speeds up cellular death = Premature Aging. 

Sugar plays a role in asthma, mood swings, gallstones, heart disease, headaches, joint pain, diabetes, arthritis, nervous disorders, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and tooth decay.

If the sugar we ingest isn’t immediately used by our bodies for energy… it gets stored.   So if we eat a food high in refined sugar, about 50% of the glucose is used for energy, 10% gets stored in the liver and muscles and 40% stored as fat.

So what are the alternatives? Thankfully there are many natural and healthy sugar substitutes - Xylitol, Stevia, Yacon syrup, and my favourite is coconut palm sugar.

Why I prefer coconut sugar or coco sugar - it’s plentiful in Asia, where I live and thus totally sustainable and easy on the environment, it looks and tastes just like brown sugar or muscovado - easy to add to my coffee or for cooking.

The sweet nectar comes not from the coconut itself but is harvested by hand twice a day directly from the flower. The nectar/syrup is heated a bit more until all the moisture is evaporated off and crystals remain.

Coconut sugar has a low glycemic index of 35, which means it is metabolized more slowly and can be easier on the system.

Coconut sugar is especially high in Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc and Iron and is a natural source of the vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C.

For more information on how you can get coconut sugar in Singapore and Malaysia, write to: Health Coach International.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What are Adult Stem Cells?

Adult stem cell research is creating waves around the world – nothing in the world of medicine today has ignited more passion and hope as the adult stem cell, described as the “architects of our body and repair masters of our tissues and organs.” (The Stem Cell Dilemma, by Leo Rurcht, M.D. and William Hoffman.)

Extensive adult stem cell research has resulted in the use of adult stem cell therapy in the treatment of a whole host of degenerative and debilitating diseases.

Adult stem cells are un-differentiated cells found throughout the body that divide and multiply to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissue. Because they can develop into many of the different cell types needed by the body, such as heart, muscle, connective tissue or even brain, they are in fact the most powerful anti-aging mechanism known to science today.

In adult stem cell therapy, the adult stem cells are taken from the bone marrow in the patient’s hipbone. After collection the stem cells are isolated from the bone marrow and tested in a certified laboratory for quality, quantity and vitality of stem cells. The stem cells are cleansed, concentrated and then injected back into the patient’s damaged tissue.

The injecting of hundreds of millions of extra adult stem cells directly back into the patients’ damaged tissue enables the stem cells to work their magic where they are needed most.
However, this is an expensive process, and while almost instant results can be seen, over the long term, what may be more sustainable is to use a natural stem cell enhancer. In theory, the body has its own repair system. If body tissue is damaged, adult stem cells head for the damaged area to accelerate the healing process.

According to the Stem Cell Theory of Healing, Regeneration and Repair proposed by Jensen et al [1], there is no need to harvest embryonic stem cells, manipulate them, then reinject them into individuals. Regeneration can take place simply by stimulating the release of stem cells from the bone marrow and stimulating their migration into tissues. The task is therefore simply to find natural compounds able to stimulate stem cell release and migration. Such compounds could be used for the daily enhancement of the body’s natural mechanism of healing and regeneration.

One such natural source is Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, or more popular known as AFA. This is a wild blue-green algae, harvested from the Klamath Lake. Over the years, people consuming AFA have reported benefits related to conditions such as hypoglycemia, poor memory, Attention Deficit Disorder, chronic fatigue, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, poor immunity, skin problems, allergies, asthma, rheumatoid diseases and depression. Cases have also been reported of significant improvements in conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and myasthenia.

One supplement I would recommend containing a potent AFA extract is StemEnhance (or AFA Extract) from Stemyech. A double-blind study published in the highly respected journal, Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine demonstrated that the consumption of just 1 gram (2 capsules) of StemEnhance increased the number of circulating adult stem cells by an average of 3 million more circulating adult stem cells! For more information go to: Stemtech or write to me at

[1] Goodell et al. (2001) Stem cell plasticity in muscle and bone marrow. Ann N Y Acad Sci 938: 208-218.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Coco Sugar - Perfect Sugar Substitute!

I always tell my new clients the first thing they need to cut out from their diet is white sugar. It not only makes you put on weight, but also is the main culprit behind diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, as well as cancer and even Alzheimer's Disease.

I was looking for a natural sugar substitute or sweetener that is healthy to recommend to them, when a friend of mine, who is also a health practitioner, introduced me to Coconut Palm Sugar. After a lot of research, I decided it was indeed the perfect sugar alternative, for many reasons.

First of course, it has a very low Glycemic Index or GI of 35 and Glycemic Load of 1.4. Glycemic index is a measure of how quickly your blood glucose rises after you consume a standard amount of a specific food. Glycemic load determines the carbohydrate content of that food based on its glycemic index and the portion size. This is an important concept for diabetics, who strive to keep their daily glycemic load to a minimum. Other sugars such as refined white sugar, muscovado sugar, and molasses have a range of 65 to 100 GI per serving! Other natural sweeteners such as date sugar has a 100 GI per serving, Maple Syrup has 69+ GI per serving and Honey has a 70+ GI per serving.

Secondly, raw coco sugar granules is dark brown in color like the muscovado sugar from cane. It tastes like an ordinary cane sugar but with a difference, it smells like roasted coconut meat. The sugar particles look rough, but felt soft in one’s hand, melt easily in the mouth and taste great with your coffee and other hot drinks. The added bonus is, because it looks just like brown sugar, it's great for cooking and baking, and for diehard sugar lovers, you almost cannot tell the difference!
Nutritional Values of Coco Sugar

Coco sugar is now commercially produced in southern Philippines. It is 100% natural, free from additives and artificial flavoring.

Coco sugar is produced by natural process of heat evaporation with no preservatives added. It is derived from evaporating coconut sap through boiling in an open container where it is then allowed to cool and solidify. Coco sap, if distilled, turns into wine (known as toddy in Malaysia and lambanog in the Philippines).
If it is fermented it turns into vinegar. If cooked it turns into sugar. Comparative chemical analysis also revealed that coco sugar contains higher amount of nutrients compared to brown cane sugar: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, sulfur and micro nutrients.
 For the health conscious consumers and diabetics, I would consider it to be the best sweetener substitute because of the many benefits that it has to offer.

If you want to purchase Coco Sugar in Singapore, write to: