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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What are Adult Stem Cells?

Adult stem cell research is creating waves around the world – nothing in the world of medicine today has ignited more passion and hope as the adult stem cell, described as the “architects of our body and repair masters of our tissues and organs.” (The Stem Cell Dilemma, by Leo Rurcht, M.D. and William Hoffman.)

Extensive adult stem cell research has resulted in the use of adult stem cell therapy in the treatment of a whole host of degenerative and debilitating diseases.

Adult stem cells are un-differentiated cells found throughout the body that divide and multiply to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissue. Because they can develop into many of the different cell types needed by the body, such as heart, muscle, connective tissue or even brain, they are in fact the most powerful anti-aging mechanism known to science today.

In adult stem cell therapy, the adult stem cells are taken from the bone marrow in the patient’s hipbone. After collection the stem cells are isolated from the bone marrow and tested in a certified laboratory for quality, quantity and vitality of stem cells. The stem cells are cleansed, concentrated and then injected back into the patient’s damaged tissue.

The injecting of hundreds of millions of extra adult stem cells directly back into the patients’ damaged tissue enables the stem cells to work their magic where they are needed most.
However, this is an expensive process, and while almost instant results can be seen, over the long term, what may be more sustainable is to use a natural stem cell enhancer. In theory, the body has its own repair system. If body tissue is damaged, adult stem cells head for the damaged area to accelerate the healing process.

According to the Stem Cell Theory of Healing, Regeneration and Repair proposed by Jensen et al [1], there is no need to harvest embryonic stem cells, manipulate them, then reinject them into individuals. Regeneration can take place simply by stimulating the release of stem cells from the bone marrow and stimulating their migration into tissues. The task is therefore simply to find natural compounds able to stimulate stem cell release and migration. Such compounds could be used for the daily enhancement of the body’s natural mechanism of healing and regeneration.

One such natural source is Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, or more popular known as AFA. This is a wild blue-green algae, harvested from the Klamath Lake. Over the years, people consuming AFA have reported benefits related to conditions such as hypoglycemia, poor memory, Attention Deficit Disorder, chronic fatigue, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, poor immunity, skin problems, allergies, asthma, rheumatoid diseases and depression. Cases have also been reported of significant improvements in conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and myasthenia.

One supplement I would recommend containing a potent AFA extract is StemEnhance (or AFA Extract) from Stemyech. A double-blind study published in the highly respected journal, Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine demonstrated that the consumption of just 1 gram (2 capsules) of StemEnhance increased the number of circulating adult stem cells by an average of 3 million more circulating adult stem cells! For more information go to: Stemtech or write to me at

[1] Goodell et al. (2001) Stem cell plasticity in muscle and bone marrow. Ann N Y Acad Sci 938: 208-218.

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