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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Your 28-Day Total Health Plan - Day 24

Day 24: Listening for the Music
Experience has put a fence around the way we think, see and hear. It’s time to free your mind and listen for the music.

There’s a story of these two men who were walking along a crowded sidewalk in a downtown business area when suddenly one of them exclaimed, “Listen to the lovely sound of that cricket!” The other man, who couldn’t hear a thing above the heavy traffic and crowds of people, was amazed. The first man, who was in fact a zoologist, trained to listen to the voices of nature, simply took out a coin, and dropped it on the sidewalk. Immediately a dozen people started looking around them.

“We hear,” he explained, “what we listen for.”

It’s important to frequently take time off to listen to our inner voices, to our bodies, to our loved ones. Each time you think you hear a dissonant note, listen again. It may be a lifesaving tune.

Today’s Meal Plan
You have been getting lots of tips, ideas and advice on what to eat and what not to eat for the past 23 days.

Today, let your creative juices flow and try to come up with a healthylicious meal using whatever you can find in the fridge or your larder. And tomorrow, make it a point to share with us in the chat group what you prepared.

Today’s Exercise
Do something you really enjoy today. If you like music, just put on your favourite album to pulsating volume in the privacy of your room and start to dance and move to the beat until you have worked up a sweat. If you like swimming, grab your gear and go, go, go. Or try something new that you have not tried before – buy a skipping rope, hula hoop or resistance band. Be adventurous, the key is to just enjoy yourself!

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