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Monday, December 14, 2015

Your 28-Day Total Health Plan - Day 1

Day 1, Tuesday 29th Oct: Simplify & Cleanse

Congratulations on successfully completing last weekend's Reset Reshape Revitalise Retreat. We trust you had fun and benefitted from the many talks and workshops during the camp. You were a great bunch to work with and at our end, my colleagues and I really enjoyed ourselves as well.

As we emphasized to you, the Camp is just the start of your journey towards a happy, healthy life. We want to be here for you to guide you towards that path. For the next 28 days, we will share quick tips for a healthy mind and body, and healthylicious recipes that you will love.

Today is the start of the 28-Day Total Health Action Plan. Have fun and do write to me at if you have any queries or stories to share.

Mindful Eating

Each time you sit down to eat today, take at least 20 minutes to savor the food. Fully experience the flavor, aroma and texture, chewing slowly and stopping  when you’re satisfied but not quite full. Enjoy your meal without distraction – turn off the TV, put away your smart phones and if you are eating with your loved ones, give them (and the food) your full attention.

Tune Out

To round out your detox efforts - and give your brain a break - try a partial media fast. Keep your TV switched off, and limit your online time.

This Week’s Meal Plan
Each day this week, eat five or six small meals rich in fruit, vegetables, and other complex carbs. A good way to start off the day is of course with your glass of FitLine PowerCocktail.This can be followed by your ProShape All-in-1 to supplement you with the protein and nutrients you need as well as help in burning visceral fat.

A typical meal might be three ounces of protein (the size of a smartphone), 1/4 to 1/2 cup carbs (whole grains, sweet potatoes, or fruit), and unlimited non-starchy vegetables such as leafy greens.

Today’s Recipe: Healthylicious Baked Sweet Potato Fries

This is a great snack which will satisfy your cravings healthfully. It takes just minutes to prepare; I make sure I always have purple sweet potatoes and cinnamon powder in my house so I can whip this up anytime I feel like a snack!

All you need to do is to cut your sweet potatoes in fries (you may leave the skin on if they are well cleaned and organic; if not, just soak in vegetable wash and peel off the skin.

Preheat the oven to 450 deg F. You can also use a small oven toaster if you don't have an oven. In a large bowl, toss the sweet potatoes ( I prefer the purple variety) with cinnamon powder, a dash of rock salt and olive oil. Spread the fries in a single layer on the baking tray, making sure it's not overcrowded. Bake until tender, turning occasionally, for about 10 - 15 minutes. Cool before serving.

Today’s Exercise: Detox Your Body
You may feel bouts of low energy this week, so go easy. For today, get your blood flowing. For those of you who are into yoga, you can try out the exercise here: 

If not, just practise the moves which you taught at the Camp by Toh.

All the best, and till tomorrow, have a  great evening!

Jessica See
Health Coach International Pte Ltd

1 comment:

  1. Great video.. But a bit difficult for beginner like me. Properly need to try a short one like the Taigi we did during the camp.


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