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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Your 28-Day Total Health Plan - Day 10

Day 10: Work Matters

When was the last time you ask yourself: Am I doing what I really love to do?

Or are you simply working hard just to pay bills and once a year, perhaps, go for a holiday with your family to “de-stress” (and come back feeling distressed that you have overspent!)?

Well, if the answer is “yes”, you are not so different from 80 percent of the population. Sad, but true.

As we near the end of another year and the start to 2020, it’s time to reflect. The good news is: It’s not difficult to transform from a mere employee who’s just working for a salary into a passionate, self-motivated HAPPY individual. In fact, it’s as simple as A-B-C-D.

A. Start by ASKing yourself: What do I really want?
If you don’t know what you want out of life, whatever you’ve got has to be good enough. Like the Cat said to Alice in Wonderland, “If you don’t know where you want to go, it doesn’t matter which road you take.”

B. Look for the BIG picture.
Now some of you, after deep reflection may decide that your current job does not give you what you want. That’s fine; at least now you know what alternative career you may want to move into.

But for most of you, changing jobs or career may not necessarily be the answer. All you may need to do is just to change yourself and the way you think about your work.

You may be just a small cog in the wheel in the company you work for, but when you realize that the wheel will not function well without this cog, you will be able to feel real passion and see meaning in what you do.

C. COMMIT yourself to the most important project – the Reinvention of You.

Real commitment means you are willing to give up everything in order to achieve what you set out to do. It offers no loopholes, no “but’s and if’s”, no parachute clauses.

So, how important is living the life you really want? If you answer “yes, irrevocably so!” then no excuses, only results count.

D. Just DO it!

If that’s the case, then as Nike says, just do it! Just decide what you want, determine what will get you what you want, then act! As my husband Patrick always says, “Success is not what you know; it’s what you do with you know.” 

Today's Meal Plan

Power up with protein by letting beans, lentils, or lean meat or poultry (free-range and organic) take up the final quarter of your plate at each meal. At breakfast, pack on the protein with poached eggs or have a banana on toast. That’s my favourite breakfast - I slice a banana on a piece of wholegrain bread, sprinkle some cinnamon powder on top and pop it into my oven toaster.

Today's Exercise
Focus on core and arm strength this week, while increasing your cardio.

Today, go once again through the Core Series, and bump up your walking and jogging to 10 minutes each.

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